Monday, April 28, 2014

A Photo Tour of the Outside of the Valley Haven House

This is the front porch to the Valley Haven House.  A new concrete ramp allows our participants with wheelchairs and walkers easy access to the house from the Valley Haven bus which parks adjacent to the ramp.  Included in the Valley Haven daily fee is transportation. Valley Haven will pick up participants in the morning and and drop off our participants in the afternoon.

The large covered porch welcomes our participants to enjoy the outdoors.

A side view of the Valley Haven House.  Part of the conversion from a residential home to and ADA accessible Adult Day Program required pouring a new driveway and parking area.

A Photo Tour of Inside the Valley Haven House

Many thanks to the Santa Barbara Foundation for the grant that allowed us the funds to purchase new furniture for Valley Haven. We have 3 love seats, a sofa and overstuffed chair among other items that are both attractive and comfortable for our participants to enjoy.
We opened a wall between the living room and the master bedroom to allow for a larger open space.  The big screen TV has Wii which the participants use for exercise.  We also have many movies to chose from that appeal to our seniors to view on occasion.

When our participants arrive in the morning they are offered a beverage and a snack. There is fresh brewed coffee or juice waiting for them. The kitchen also allows us to provide snacks and prepare lunches for our participants. 

This is our activity room.  Here it is set up for an open house but the tables separate allowing the participants to gather in smaller groups for meals or craft activities.  We also play memory stimulating games in this room and chair exercises.

The second bedroom of this 1920's house serves as our office. 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

LDS Church provides "Helping Hands" to Valley Haven

The "Helping Hands" project sponsored by the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints provided much help to Valley Haven. Several weeks before the scheduled "Helping Hands" day we were asked if we could use any help.  The answer is almost always yes.  We met with the LDS representative, Enoch Mills,  and agreed the lawn needed moving and the picket fence needed some painting.  A few days before the "Helping Hands" day,  Enoch came to mow our rather large lot. It was quite a job given the height of the grass.  And then on April 26th a crew of volunteers came to paint the picket fence.  They worked until we ran out of paint.  A nicer group of young people you will not meet.  The LDS church also helped plant over 350 wine barrels for the "Lompoc in Bloom" organization.   Thank you so much to you all!!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Womens Fund of Northern Santa Barbara County Visit Valley Haven

The Women's Fund of Northern Santa Barbara county held their monthly meeting at Valley Haven on April 9th.  In addition to regular business they were at Valley Haven to see where their grant of $10,000.00 was used. Valley Haven was granted this money to refurbish the bathroom into an ADA compliant bathroom.  We hope the Women's Fund was happy with the result.  We certainly are and are very thankful for their contribution in making the Valley Haven House not only a beautiful but also a  functional place for our seniors to enjoy.