Thursday, October 9, 2014

Valley Haven is Having a Garage Sale

Do you have crowded closets and are looking for an excuse to unburden yourself of some of your "stuff"? 
 Keep Valley Haven in mind as a source to make your donation.  

We will be holding a garage sale on December 5th & 6th at Valley Haven.  

We could use your donated items to make our garage sale a huge success.  Please bring your donated items to Valley Haven at 502 No Third St by December 3rd. 

Thank you for your support.  Valley Haven is a non-profit corporation and fundraisers are needed so we can continue to offer scholarships to our participants.

Contact Sally for more information 733-2760

Please join our Painting Party

You are invited to:

Express Yourself

A premier event and fundraiser for Valley Haven

November 2, 2014
Time: 3-5 PM Sunday
Valley Haven  502 North Third Street

Linda Jay-Zivich
Award winning Artist/Demonstrator

Snacks and Beverages will be provided

We will be painting the “bottles and glasses” painting shown on the top of this flyer. You will finish this painting in two hours and take your creation home with you.

  Let’s gather for some FUN!!  And see the artist in you revealed!!
Bring a friend or mate / Come with your girlfriends for a great time!!

$35 Donation

To help us plan for our event please RSVP along with your
donation to Valley Haven by October 29th
502 North Third Street

For more information contact: Sally 733-2760